Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My top 10 symbiotes

The count down begins...

Due to the Batman vs. Superman dawn of the Justice League
Movie I have decided to make this blog post about one of my favorite
Groups of Heroes/Villains... 
The Symbiotes! 
This group of Heroes/Villains are 
most know for being killers (Carnage)
and them there's some that are heroes
(Agent venom) and then there's the neutrals
(Anti-venom)But to get back on topic.
To start this off i'll start at number 10.

I put him as number 10
simply because even though he
may look cool, he is a combined form
of all the Symbiotes well at least the
sub ones. Those Symbiotes were colorful
He although is definitely not! He does have all there abilities but he looks like a cross between a multi-tailed scorpion and a bat, a red bat.

This is my opinion don't be offended if you like hybrid but don't get mad at me this is my opinion

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