Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Number 5: Riot


This symbiote too me was the muscle of the group. Simply because in the older Marvel comics, Riot was the only who looked menacing.
As you can notice his color makes him blend into the shadows. Something that really caught my eye about this symbiote is he has the ability to give himself a second pair of arms,plus he has a astonishing amount of speed.
So if this guy was in real life we would basically be screwed.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Number 6:Lasher

To me was the first hybrid
because as far as i'm concerned
he has to powers of scream and the
powers of carnage. Except there power got fused.
If you notice on Lasher's back that the little tentacles have little serated
blades at the end. So like if he were to grab his victim he would latch them to where he or she wouldn't be able to move at all. Something else I noticed was there was a team named Team Mercury that had these five listed symbiotes:
and the dog
Something else may shock you
the host of the Lasher symbiote had
a dog. Causing the dog to get a small portion
of the symbiote.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Number 7: carnage


Carnage was put as #7 because
he was freakin creepy.Every 
person he killed he wrote
"Carnage was here."
But hey he's the son of venom.
If you don't know who venom is
well he in a nutshell is a human named Eddie Brock
 who bonded  with an alien race known as the Klentar.
The Klentar are beings that bond with others trying to
bond with the perfect person to make the perfect hero.
But the problem is if a person (Eddie Brock) has a bad personality
they end up bonding with that too causing for a killer Klentar to
be formed. So now that you know about venom's mini history. You should know another thing about
the Klentar they reproduce asexually.
The Carnage symbiote was born in a jail cell when the venom symbiote rescued Brock from jail. Brock's cell
mate Cletus Cassidy had a very odd childhood, he was a psychopath.
He killed his mom when he was 10
by pushing her down the stairs.
(Kids don't try this at home) His
abilities are making his body and limbs into solid weapons.
Here's the thing he is stronger than Venom and Spider man
 so they had to team up to beat him.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Number 8: Scream


Scream got the #8 spot simply because of her...
hair. The thing is with this symbiote it's hair is 
Look at the hair
a weapon not limbs. 
If you notice that her hair looks just like harpoons that's what she uses to kill. Not her claws...Her hair!
She also uses her hair to pick up stuff by hooking it.
But here's the thing I never understood why does she look like a bleeding cheetah in a way. Another thing is here hair is able to stretch 

Number 9: Phage

The weirdo Phage...

I was seriously considering putting Phage as number 10.
Because he is a literal freak of nature.
 The funny thing is he falls under the category as killer simply because he is bad and he literally can make his limbs into solid weapons.Like Carnage
he has most abilities like him. He hates the original Venom a.k.a Eddie Brock for what reason I
have no idea.

I only have 1 reason he is ugly.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My top 10 symbiotes

The count down begins...

Due to the Batman vs. Superman dawn of the Justice League
Movie I have decided to make this blog post about one of my favorite
Groups of Heroes/Villains... 
The Symbiotes! 
This group of Heroes/Villains are 
most know for being killers (Carnage)
and them there's some that are heroes
(Agent venom) and then there's the neutrals
(Anti-venom)But to get back on topic.
To start this off i'll start at number 10.

I put him as number 10
simply because even though he
may look cool, he is a combined form
of all the Symbiotes well at least the
sub ones. Those Symbiotes were colorful
He although is definitely not! He does have all there abilities but he looks like a cross between a multi-tailed scorpion and a bat, a red bat.

This is my opinion don't be offended if you like hybrid but don't get mad at me this is my opinion

Friday, March 11, 2016

The fused cake !

Coconut frosted pineapple cake...

This cake is a fusion of 2 of the most famous fruits

I know of, The Coconut and the Pineapple.
Two fruits that are good for people.
I myself don't like it because I'm not a fan
of Coconuts. But the only way I eat it is 
I take all the frosting off.

The flavor:
It of course has two flavors
1. The frosting
2.The actual cake

Thursday, March 10, 2016

4 or 3 in 1 The birth of Multi cake

King of Multi flavored anyyhing Neapolitan cake or ice cream. 


Multi cake is a cake I say is :
"Specifically made for people who 
can't decide on a flavor".

No joke Multi cake is literally a cake for 
people who are not TERRIBLE at deciding stuff.

Any flavor you want.

One of the most colorful creations 
I have ever seen.

The name:
The name almost gives it away But 
it keeps the flavors and colors a secret.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Red velvet

The Red

Red velvet is my second favorite cake behind the Pound cake
simply because:

Mmm good
The flavor:
Red velvet has a taste that's indescribable.
That's literally how good it is.
I can't even describe the taste

The appearance:
It kind of looks like the famous Red carpet but, 
with frosting.

The name:
Red velvet is a some what of a fancy cake
I say that because as far as I know most celebrities 
sometimes have Red velvet as a dessert.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Black forest cake!

Forest cake!

Forest cake

I honestly haven't tried this cake before but what I've heard that it tastes amazing.
Like chocolate and vanilla had a baby.

Here's the recipe:
1 Lb Kirsch infused cherries
light whip creme  
4 layers of chocolate for the cake

For kids:
Omit kirsch
 4 layers of chocolate cake
1 Tbsp of sugar
some cherry syrup

Monday, March 7, 2016

Cake week!

Pound cake

Cake time!!!

All this week I'm only gonna be talking about
 nothing but certain types of cakes.
Black forest cake
Red velvet
Multi cake
Pound cake

To start it off i'll talk about Pound cake,
Pound cake has a recipe of things to where everything in it is a pound.

1 Pound of butter
1 Pound of sugar
1 Pound of eggs
1 Pound of flour
No salt,baking powder,or flavoring.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The shark ancestor

Read the chart


This monster shark
is apparently supposed to be living to this day.


There is no fricken way a shark that's probably the size of Mount 
Everest can survive a comet that destroyed the other Dino's even the other water Dinosaurs there is no way this thing could have survived the blast. If that's the case we should be seeing Plesiosaurs and other water Dinosaurs like fish. in the ocean.

The blog updates

To let you know.

I kind of think the back ground of my blog is a bit boring now so i'm gonna
Let you guys decide on what the new background should be if it's silly or inappropriate
I will definitely NOT put it as the background so pick well and wisely Leave comments to let me know now.

The remake: My animal trilogy Finale

     The remake...

Due to problem while I was making My animal trilogy Finale post
I'm remaking it.

 After a long decision, I decided that the animal who deserves this spot on this post doesn't exist Now but existed back back then it was the carnivore known as the Saber tooth tiger. 

Reason 1:
This beast is the ancestor of
this beast on the bottom. As far as I'm concerned the Saber tooth tiger is 1 of the
most deadly predators. But the this cat wasn't just made like this, it was made through of hybrids of  other animals like the Creodanta,
Machaeroides, Machairodontinae, Barbourofelidae, Nimravidae, and Sparassodonta.

Reason 2:
If you notice the teeth of the Saber
the teeth are curved like when it finally catches it's prey it some how uses it's fangs by,.repeatedly hitting its fangs on the  meat
tearing the flesh and by pulling it off.

Reason 3:
The instincts:
The instincts of a Saber are like the ones of a wolf, They have a keen sense of smell and sight. Plus the features its lean and probably fast almost like cheetah fast

Friday, March 4, 2016

Palm trees

(Read in a mellow voice)...

Palm trees are 1 of the most calming trees I know of simply because:

The leaves:
If you notice that Palm trees how their leaves move in a swaying motion
in a kind of slow motion pace.

The motion;
Look at this.
It's a relaxing swaying type motion.
Look at how slow the leaves move.

The #1 place where they are found...
Beaches! If you notice the most Palm trees are found in Beaches or even islands (Hawaii)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Guava and cheese

Guava an cheese.

Guava and cheese..

Guava and cheese a delicious pastry
that my dad introduced me too when I was
5 years old and I loved it ever since.
As far as I know of there are 2 versions:

The Spanish one:
Has small things of sugar on the top

The American one:
Has more filling and it has more dough

I myself like the Spanish version simply because it has more flavor than the a American version.
This dessert is a master piece! =>