Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Number 1: Poison

Again peter,really!

Oh man not again!
The symbiote found 
it's way back to Spid-
erman. But it saved him.
Here is where we find 
the history of Poison:

When Spider-man
(Peter Parker) was
in grave danger the
Venom Symbiote 
sensed it the left 
Mac Gargan and
didn't stop until it
reached Peter once
it did it bonded with
him once again but
this time with different
intentions.... Peter broke
into Stark Towers in 
seek of Aunt May
and Mary Jane for
1 reason to ensure 
that if they he will be
able to  live with them 
again by some of the
Symbiote bonding with
them. Mary Jane refused
(of course) and Aunt May
was speechless. Since Mary 
refused he unearth the body
of Gwen Stacy and gave her some
of the Symbiote.

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