Monday, February 1, 2016



The known definition of energy is the ability to move or cause change,wait or is that motion... ah what the heck.When I say energy I don't mean NRG from Ben 10,but what I am talking about is kinetic,sound,thermal,chemical,radiation,light,potential,speed,gravitational,etc. 
Those are the types of energy well at least the main ones. Such as:

Just as the name says this is the energy that turned a normal guy into the Hulk.

This is one of the energies that transforms from this state to the radiation state.
If you didn't notice when ever you mix chemicals and you feel like some heat is radiating off of it, that's where radiant gets transformed.

Thermal/heat energy is one of main energies because not on does chemical turn to radiation but radiation come from heat so basically the radiation is heat. Mind blown

So you know how your always listening to music well that's sound energy but, you know your phone starts to burn well that's radiation.So not only does you found have sound but it also has radiation.

One of my favorite energies mainly because I love lightning and lightning is a major form of electricity. Your t.v. is a form of electricity,mainly because it runs on power.

This is one of the main forms of energy and it's the energy that helps us run. Kinetic energy is moving energy but mass is one of the main factors.

Potential energy is stored energy that can be used for later.You know how you make up the excuse "I have energy it's just i'm saving it for later". Welp you weren't lying.

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