Monday, February 29, 2016

My animal trilogy part 2

Gila monster...

I'm gonna give 3 most fascinating reasons for why
 the Gila monster is one of my favorite animals.

Reason 1:
The patterns on him-
the make him kind of blend in.

Reason 2:
His bright colors if you look up
Gila monster colors you will end up seeing a crap ton of bright colors such as: Pink,orange,White, and Yellow.

Reason 3:
A Gila monster baby looks exactly like a
Baby gila
full grown one but pretty much small.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My animal trilogy: Part 1

Tasmanian devil...

One of three of my favorite animals is the Tasmanian devil.
Simply because of 3 reasons:

Reason 1:
Honey badger
They are small but intimidating like the Honey badger. The reason why I say like the Honey badger is because if you notice not even a Lion will mess with a Honey badger.

Reason 2:
The Tasmanian devil was one of my favorite cartoon characters and when I saw a real one on T.V. it looked very menacing.

Tasmanian devil.
Reason 3: The name kind of rolls of the tongue well and it sounds cool.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Cheese cake

Cheese cake...

This go round i'm gonna talk about some food specifically Cheesecake, what i'm truly gonna talk about is how Cheesecake got it's glorious name.
Reason #1 The cheese factor?:
The reason why it's called "Cheese"cake is because it's creamy like cheese.

Reason #2 The mix:
If you notice that Cheesecake has granola at the bottom of a slice like to one to my left. Another thing is if you look at it closely when you cut Cheesecake it looks like a wheel of cheese.

Monday, February 15, 2016


   The oomph...

Music to me is a mixture of feelings balled into one. Something else you should know is when people make remixes they are adding their own feelings to the song. So like if they were to remix one of your favorite songs and to you it sounded even better then before. One of my favorites is Going down for real, I went on  Sound cloud and looked it up then I found this amazing remix of it and I absolutely loved it. But to get back on topic,Something else music does is it affects your Auditory cortex. What the Auditory cortex is a temporal lobe at each side of your brain,slightly above your ears. Since i'm a little to lazy to write the rest i'll put the link to the rest of it in the end of this post.
One of the best parts of music is that when you truly listen to it you can hear the instruments that aren't usually heard.

What i'm getting at is on how good music is how it helps. Something else I noticed is how when music can help people power through things like Working out. Working out is one of the most common source of people listening to music because if you notice how when people while they are walking,jogging, or even sprinting it makes it go by faster for them.



Of all of my favorite animals the Gecko is my favorite Reptile. I especially love how they look when they move. They move like they got cramps (side to side). The thing is they look so small yet they hold a very large part in a ecosystem. I actually have a ton in my roof.
A reptile is an animal that has a spine but lays soft shell eggs on land plus they have dry scaly skin. Something else you should know about Geckos is they love moths more than anything. And I say that because the ones at my house tear apart the moths they take off their wings then eat em.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The steps to understanding a teacher's pain.

             How to understand a teacher...

Step 1:
Quit talking back. Because let's be honest "Haven't we aggravated
the hell out of our teachers and since they are teachers they can't say or do anything
 disrespectful back to us because they won't only get fired but sued,jailed,or unable to get a job because they have a permanent record.

Step 2:
Switch places with your teach. So if the students are talking so much wouldn't you get so mad

Step 3:        (Golden rule)



You know how Minecraft has mods well Trove has some too.
Its a little website download that can mod you dragons your other mounts and even your classes.
Since the mods in your Minecraft make your game cooler. Psst look at the bottom



(say in a mellow surfer voice)

Today i'm not gonna talk about surfing but i'm also gonna talk about the words or vocabulary they use which is called surf slang.

They mean someone they are talking too obviously.

Outrageously cool.
Like that's a gnarly board my man.

When someone falls of their board that's a full on wipe-out.

When a wave will close and the surfer won't have anywhere to go therefore the surfer is axed.

It's an adjective describing the size of the wave.

An endless amount of terms relating to people.

The most prized feeling a surfer can feel.
He is determined.

It's the surfer version of being cut off.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The 2 crazy pups...

        The craziest puppies...

My family and I recently got 2 new puppies and we named the oldest Lady and the youngest Duchess. Out of the 2 of them Duchess is the craziest for 3 reasons:

When she runs around she sometimes ( majority of the time) looses control then she ends up hitting something.

When she licks you,She ends up behind you head biting your hair

When she runs she runs so fast to where she trips over her own paw and flips over.

Those 3 reason's are why Duchess is not only the funniest but the craziest puppy I know of.
But her sister Lady is downright bad mainly because, SHE BITES ON MY CLOTHES!!!!!
But hey what are you gonna do.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Tesla coil

    The coil...

Energy can't be created or destroyed,we most commonly see energy at science shows when they show Tesla coils.All a Tesla coil is a device that moves around energy in fact,it's basically a light show.In the picture to the right you can see the electricity not exactly spiraling around it but the walls are metal and one thing's for sure electricity absolutely loves metal. 
Tesla coil.

Metal is a conductor which causes the electricity to flow through it with out a problem.

An object that electricity can flow freely through.

Another thing is since metal is a conductor so, if heat or anything that causes heat goes through it that heat rubs of into the metal causing a reaction that makes the metal Extremely hot. But, if anything cold such as ice or even cool air comes in contact or near the object it can take some of the cold causing the metal to become cold.

But back on the real subject,something else you should know about Tesla coil's are they are fun to look at and play with but that doesn't mean they are good.

Monday, February 1, 2016



The known definition of energy is the ability to move or cause change,wait or is that motion... ah what the heck.When I say energy I don't mean NRG from Ben 10,but what I am talking about is kinetic,sound,thermal,chemical,radiation,light,potential,speed,gravitational,etc. 
Those are the types of energy well at least the main ones. Such as:

Just as the name says this is the energy that turned a normal guy into the Hulk.

This is one of the energies that transforms from this state to the radiation state.
If you didn't notice when ever you mix chemicals and you feel like some heat is radiating off of it, that's where radiant gets transformed.

Thermal/heat energy is one of main energies because not on does chemical turn to radiation but radiation come from heat so basically the radiation is heat. Mind blown

So you know how your always listening to music well that's sound energy but, you know your phone starts to burn well that's radiation.So not only does you found have sound but it also has radiation.

One of my favorite energies mainly because I love lightning and lightning is a major form of electricity. Your t.v. is a form of electricity,mainly because it runs on power.

This is one of the main forms of energy and it's the energy that helps us run. Kinetic energy is moving energy but mass is one of the main factors.

Potential energy is stored energy that can be used for later.You know how you make up the excuse "I have energy it's just i'm saving it for later". Welp you weren't lying.