Wednesday, December 16, 2015

All about me the autobioghraphy

So just at the title say you should already know that in this post i'm gonna do a autobiographic poem.

I myself have lived for a decade and some change (i'm 12) I love Lego's and my sister and I love  talkis because they are  fuego.
My horoscope is a Leo
Sometimes why I eat dessert I have a loud burp.
One time I smelled some meat and it smelled like feet
"EW" I said but then i got sent to my room but at the wrong time I needed to throw up in the bathroom.

                                THE END 

                             Hope you enjoyed :)

Monday, November 30, 2015

                                      High School

Honestly, in my opinion High School sucks. Now don't get me wrong there are some pro's and con's to High School and that's what i'm gonna talk about today. 


 > High School is gonna                                                        
    give you more knowledge
    to use in the adult world.                                              
 > It shows how long of 
    away you went from a child,
     to teenage, to Adult.
  > It will teach you responsibility.


> Bullying
> Growing up
> And most importantly work

Monday, November 2, 2015


I'm gonna update this post in two ways
one: I'm gonna add better information
two: I'm gonna add better pictures

 Bolts of electric discharges with short duration's between the clouds and the ground.
Something else you should know about lightning is one of the main reasons in my opinion why people think it's so cool is:
It's like a flash of light. Plus in certain cartoons (Dragon ball z)
when ever someone gets powered up lightning comes around them. Lightning is mainly used for:

There reason why I myself say emphasis is because if you notice in movies with the bad guys in the castles, they always have lightning crackling in the background.

The effects ties into the emphasizing to give it that extra oomph.

These two are the main uses for lightning when it comes to t.v.

Monday, October 19, 2015

In this post i'm gonna be telling you guys about bullying. Bullying is basically a person who either puts a person down because they have been put down,plus they also want to their anger out on others just so they can feel better about themselves...which is not good AT ALL !!!!!!!! Honestly in my opinion if your a bully then you are probably a person who has no friends,trouble at home,all alone,etc. If you ever see someone being bullied or even if your being bullied, TELL AN ADULT it doesn't matter who just tell an adult at all costs.What you must do is S.N.E.A.R at them.

     Stop being afraid of your bully
     Never give up
     Eradicate  your fear of your bully
     Act immediately and tell an adult don't resort to violence

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hello again... I haven't blogged in a while so uh,this morning I didn't wanna get up as usual because the cool air of my fan makes it to where it make you feel like it was a  smooth cool breeze coming through the window on winter morning.