Saturday, May 28, 2016

Iron Spider

Spider-man and tech...

I was astonished when 
I gazed upon the Iron
Spider armor for the
first time. It kept the
original Spider-man 
theme but here's one
thing it added...
Spider Legs! When
I say Spider legs 
I mean 3 gold painted
legs on the back of
the armor attached
to a small backpack.


When Iron man had
to make a quick 
escape he built
an armor out of any
thing he could get his 
hands on and it shows
it. During secret wars
Spider-man (Peter park
er) was resurrected but
he had no powers.(O_O)
Shocking isn't it ! Since
he had no powers Tony
gave Peter the suit to
help him in the secret
wars which was on the
verge of becoming civil

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Failure

There  it was my
perfect A streak
was over,
My mind went
black I was speechless
I was angered
my black dull
mind turned to a red
blob. But I
soon realized it
wasn't my test...

Monday, May 23, 2016

I'm in love!

I'm in love, I lose
sight of all that's 
right. All I see
her and see is
a blurr. I pass 
out when i'm
in her presence.
She's so smart
She is nice and mean
at the same time like me
and on top of that she 
is hot. There's something
I must say to her which 
"There's nothing more special
than you".

Poem by 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dark Infineon Dragon

Hoping this would be implimented them pirate one
There are some Dragons
that the Trove Players have
been really looking forward
to be seeing and the Devs
decided to look into that
therefore making some dragons
called The Community Dragons
Which includes:
Panatea, the Partifier
Thallasion, Shaper of
the Currents
Flackbeard, the Relentless
etc. These specially designed
Dragons are gonna make
the people who made them feel
good but on top of that, there's
another "Elemental Dragon".
The reason why i'm saying
it like that is because this
dragon represents the
Everdark, Chaos Shores
world. The design of
this dragon is the design
of a mod called the
Dark Infernion Dragon
but, this community
dragon is different
The Vfx and name
is the difference I myself would get this dragon as soon as it comes out, Simply because the name
the way it looks and it suits
my fighting style in the game.
But the Dragon at the top
was the dragon I was hoping they
would add instead of Flackbeard.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Za'Heeden, Heart Of The Flame (Fire Gem Dragon)

Machine Gunner...

This is a Mod (Not The actual way he looks)
Za'Heeden is most commonly 
known in game for being a
Machine Gun. Simply because
he shoots Fire Balls faster than
the other Trove Dragons even
the Elemental ones. One thing
I highly suggest is matching him
the fire class Dracolyte. Along
with that the dragon allows the
player to take less damage from

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Primordial Dragons

The Elements fly...

Ever since the Mantle Of Power
came out the creator's of Trove
decided to make 3 new dragons
to represent the Elemental Worlds
from The Mantle Of Power each
Elemental Dragon gives 10% more
Scintilla, Spark Of The Sky
damage to the Elemental Gems
they represent like:

These Gems are only obtained
2 ways:
1: Uber 1-9 Gem boxes.
2: Going to Cursed Skyrealm
and grinding Dungeons.
 This dragon to me by far
looks better than the other 2.
I mean look at those wings and the

Only Obtained in Drowned world
Palashien. Soual Of The Sea
.All the gems are gotten the same
ways but in different worlds.
This Water Dragon to me looks
very odd it has no arms no
leg and no wings, kind of like
the Chinese dragons but this one
don't got a mustache.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Future is upon us

It starts with the Motorcycles...

I have noticed that there
are certain car companies
like Toyota,Mercedes, Audi,
Lamborghini,Bmw,and Ferrari
have these Futuristic type of 
vehicles. On top of that there
are Futuristic Motorcycles
like the one to my right =>
It's a Kawasaki and as you
can see it looks almost like
the Lightcycle from Tron as
you can see the tires and
the build is basically the same
but, if you notice on the
Kawasaki there's something
put the 2 front tires. If you notice
from the picture under the original
picture the wheel is actually unique
 no rim but a large hole but there
are little squares but hey that's the
Future for yah!